New Home, New Reality
So much has taken place since I last wrote an update. I will try to summarize. At the beginning of July I left Canada and
headed for 3 weeks of Orientation in Singapore before heading out to the field. Just before the end of Orientation there was
a discussion concerning my field placement and Language learning. It was mutually decided that it would be
better for me to spend a full year focusing on Language Learning (known in OMF
as Daniel Training).
So instead of heading to Lopburi in Central Thailand I went directly to
Chiang Mai to begin language and culture training there. I have joined a Thai Language School here
called Manna. I am in class for two
hours a day, five days a week. I have
both group lessons as well as one on one sessions.
It was also decided that instead of striving to be ready to be a Dorm
Assistant in 6 months, I should have a full year of Language and Culture. This will assist me in being able to minister
with the Thai for the long term. Therefore
at this point I will not be serving as a Dorm Assistant here in Chiang Mai.
Over the next few months, after I have gotten settled into life here
and my studies, I will be working with the leadership to search out appropriate
opportunities for my future ministry. I
am actually really excited to have the chance to see what other workers are
doing and how I can best fit into the team.
I would appreciate your prayers during this time as I strive to follow
the Lord’s direction in my life and ministry.
I will be posting a little more about my first days in Thailand and the
various aspects of my new life in later prayer letters and my blog.
Language Class
(Lessons, Homework and Study) from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.
Thursday Fellowship Meal and OMF Prayer Meeting
Friday Aqua Fit (as often as I can)
Sunday Thai Church in Morning and English
Church in Afternoon
September 7th Newcomers Orientation
21st Tour of Local Market
27th to 29th
Women’s Conference and Retreat
October 12th Understanding Thai Culture Orientation
20th to 22nd
Go to Malaysia to get my RA Visa
November 14th Running OMF Prayer Meeting
Note: I will no longer be in Lopburi but attending language school in
Chiang Mai. My Chiang Mai address is
Thai Name
I have received my Thai name.
This name will often have something
to do with either the meaning of your English name or perhaps a description of
Please allow me to introduce
myself. My name is pûu-yǐng.
This name means Lady or is part of
the word of Princess in Thai.
Thai Language Lesson
(This is going to be a regular
section to show you a bit of what I am learning)
- sà-wàt-dee- kâ
Thank You - kòp kun kâ
Don’t Worry - mâi bpen rai kâ
What is your name? And Answer.
kun chêu a-rai ? dì-chăn chêu ...
Where are you from? And Answer.
kun maa jàak tee năi?
dì-chăn maa jàak ..
How old are you?
Koon aa yu tow rai?
Thai Culture Lesson
(This is going to be a regular
section to show you a bit of what I am learning)
Thailand you will be asked a number of questions right away.
1. What
is your name?
2. Where
are you from?
3. How
old are you?
These questions will allow someone
to know how they should address you.
This is not considered rude to the Thai whereas addressing someone
inappropriately would be insulting to them.
I arrived safely
in Singapore and had a blessed time at Orientation Course.
I have met and
made many new friends
My arrival in
Chiang Mai went well and I have been made to feel very welcome by those serving
I have a House,
Cat, Transportation and Language School
Language study is
going well.
For safe travel
around the city on my bike.
For friendships
with others to grow.
For safety as I
am living on my own. And for peace of
For my language
skills to increase and that I will gain confidence.
That God will
guide me to the ministry that He has planned for me.
For emotional
strength as I miss my family and friends back home.