Friday, April 12, 2013

Prayer Letter #5

Where I Am Now!

One of the favourite parts of my job is when I get to sit with those who are seeking God’s direction for their future and exploring where missions may play into that plan.  Also with those who have just returned from their ministry placement in Asia and hearing all about their experiences.  There is nothing like seeing the excitement they have for what God is doing and having that touch their lives in real and lasting ways. 

I have had that opportunity many times in the last weeks as Serve Asia faces a wave of explorers and inquirers.  This wave is exciting but at the same time exhausting for me.  Please pray that I will be able to be present for each individual God brings in my path and be able to assist them to the best of my abilities.  Pray that each one will have the ministry experience that God would have for them.

Where I Am Going!

With all of the business that is going on right now, it has been difficult to comprehend that I could be and, Lord willing, will be leaving for Asia in a very few short months.  The many things that still need to happen before I can be given the go ahead to leave is getting shorter but there are still a few large steps that need to happen before I can be given clearance. 

Let me explain a little bit about this process.  Clearances are the steps that need to be taken before OMF can let me leave.  These steps have included:

-          Field Acceptance – DONE!  I am approved for Northern Thailand.

-          Home Acceptance – DONE June of 2011!

-          Medical Clearance – DONE as of March 5th!

-          Support Clearance – This is still being worked on.  I have all of the required prayer supporters in place.  Although I would always welcome more prayer.  J

Please be in prayer that people will step forward to partner with me in my future ministry.  I MUST be at 90% committed support by May 13tht in order for me to be approved to leave on schedule.  Many have told me they are interested in partnering with me but have not yet indicated this commitment to OMF.  This support does not need to start till I leave but must be communicated to the OMF before May 13th.
-       I presently have 56% of my monthly support pledged, this is a 12% jump in the last month
-       I have had a number of opportunities to speak
-       God has granted me 3 amazing churches that have agreed to partner with me.
-       I have been blessed with wonderful friends who are being truly supportive. 
-       That I will get the rest of my support pledged before May 13th  
-       For the conference that I will be helping with in March.
-       For the two conferences in April
-       I am studying on-line with Liberty University and will be taking 2 courses that will overlap  for 3 weeks
-       I am struggling with all of the different aspects of my life and finding balance

Ecclesiastes 3:1

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

From the date that I am writing this, I have 67 Days till the deadline for my support to be pledged.  If you desire to partner with me please complete the attached response card and send it to OMF Canada as soon as possible.

For more information please contact
Gwyn Matthews
Phone #905-568-9971 ext. 34

Presentations and Speaking Opportunities
If you, your Church or anyone you know would be interested in hearing about my ministry, the Serve Asia Program or the work in East Asia, please feel free to contact me to set up a time.  I would love to meet with you and share.

Important Dates

8th and 9th        From Here to There Conference                                           
18th                  Second Course Starts (3 weeks for 2 courses)                       
5th – 7th            In Winnipeg for Heart For Asia Conference                          
5th                    1st Masters Course Ends                                                   
7th – 12th          Home Staff Conference in Toronto                                       
11th – 13th        Toronto MissionsFest                                                             
13th                  Connected Women’s Conference                                                
15th                  Peterborough – speaking                                                       
17th                  Serve Asia Training                                                                
27th                  Possible Heart For Asia Conference @ PIBC   

3rd – 5th            Pastor’s Wives Plus Conference                                            
10th                  Second Course Ends                                                               
13th                  Clearance Deadline
11th                  Toronto Prayer Group - Speaking
Note:   Serve Asia Training and Debriefing Sessions are still being scheduled